Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Before. Now^. Ouch.

Yesterday's image got 18 comments. WOW!


Ali said...

Apparently the Range Rover hit another car while travelling at over 100mph. Naturally the driver lost control, the car flipped a few time and then exploded Hollywood style. The most amazing thing is that the driver got away mostly uninjured (thank modern safety systems for that!). He won't be driving anywhere fast anytime soon.

Bethany said...

That's a fantastic picture. Do you think long and hard about composition? Are you very deliberate about how you frame the shot. I love the way the building forms oblique lines. I must learn!

Unknown said...

Wow! Great shot! Your before picture kind of puts things in perspective. What a mess the driver has created.. I am surprised he got out of it unharmed...

Poramit said...

wow...great find...the car is a great focal point here:-)

Bob said...

A great shot. The framing is good and a whole story is told, especially with the "before" picture. You have a good eye.

Wolf said...

Thats amazing the fellow lived! wow!
I really like the perspective of this shot, well done!

Dave MacIntyre said...

Excellent shot Ali...I like that the rear wheel's rim is still on there and matches the "before" picture! If you didn't provide an explaination, I would have sworn this vehicle was from a war zone.

Jill said...

I just made the 20th comment on your kitty. I think maybe you do need to fatten her up a bit. hahaha

So glad to hear the driver walked away unhurt!! He needs to learn how to slow down.

Patty said...

I love the contrasting colors. Also, powerful story behind it.

This reminds me of something called Shattered Dreams. At some Texas high schools they'll stage a fake drunk driving car accident outside. They use real cars already flipped upside down(usually cars which have really been in a drunk driving accident already by high school students-to make it more powerful) & high school kids do the acting. Someone gets "arrested"(really arrested, but of course it won't be going on their record) by REAL police, REALLY taken to jail, even though parents know it's just pretend, when they hear about their "dead son" or "arrested child", they react like they would if it was real. A REAL helicopter comes to transport the "victims" to the REAL hospital, while all the high school students watch this event outside. At the hospital a REAL doctor tells the parents of one of the students the bad news that they couldn't save their child(One year I saw photos of the reactions of the parents-very heart-breaking). The newspapers have photos & articles of the whole thing. Also, during the entire day in school before the event, they play the sound of a heartbeat on the speakers & a student dressed as the Grim Reaper comes to take a student out of their classroom to represent every-30-minutes someone dies from an alcohol-related crash. These kids will return to school, but they cannot speak to anyone(as though they're really dead & not there). It's a very emotional event. Just imagining all your friends are not around anymore.

Anonymous said...

I like the metal skeleton effect. You have taken some exquisite pics. Thanks for stopping by Sedona Scenery. I'll be back here often.

Monterey John said...

Don't know what took me so long to get over here Ali. I had no idea you were in The Emirates. that's pretty exotic turf for this California boy. anyway, thanks for you several comments over at my humble place.

I'll be back and hope you don't mind if I add you to the blogroll at MontereyJohn.

DiaKL said...

Amazing (and happy to hear) that the driver wasnt badly injured, he was going too fast! Indeed, when I first saw the photo, I also thought it was from a warzone, good shot :)

Nicola said...

That's a tough lesson learned. I'm glad that he himself and noone else got injured!!

Marc said...

Wonderful photo. Upon first seeing it I said, Uh oh! This can't have a happy ending. A lucky individual indeed to walk away with their health.

micki said...

I guess the insurance company will classify that as a total loss.

The Alchemist said...

nice shot - there is something about derelict or abandoned things that gives a sense of history/soul to the picture -


Laurie said...

It is amazing that they actually walked away from that.

Great shot.